The purpose of this presentation is to remind Emergency Responders of key principles of CAN (Conditions, Actions, and Needs) reports, and using SIM (Security, Immediate Action Plan, Medical Intervention) during an active threat incident.These principles can assist first responders to identify needs and rapidly respond to active threat incidents.
This presentation was created using content from NCBRT’s PER-335, Critical Decision Making for Complex Coordinated Attacks, and PER-340, Active Threat Integrated Response Course.
To access the course, click the "Enroll Me" button below under the Course Enrollment heading.
*** NOTE ***
If you receive a message saying "Only members of cohort 'DHS Course' can self-enroll.", you first need to complete your profile information which is required for DHS-Certified training.
- Click your name in the upper right corner
- Select Profile
- Under User Details, select Edit Profile
- Scroll down and click FEMA Required Fields,
- Fill out all fields and click Update Profile (FEMA SID can be obtained from
- It may take up to 5 minutes for Moodle to update your permissions
- Refresh the course page to check for access.
- You should now see the "Enroll Me" button under the Course Enrollment heading below.
- Email if your access is not granted after 5 minutes.